Mary Kay® 6 Most Important Things List

  Mary Kay® 6 most important things

If you’re in the business of selling Mary Kay®, then no doubt you have heard about the  Mary Kay® 6 most important things list. It’s a fantastic way to get things done, but what is it really, and where did it come from? Here’s a hint – Mary Kay® did not invent it, but she was smart enough to realize how powerful the Mary Kay® 6 most important things list is! Before we “spill the beans” we’ll go into what the Mary Kay® 6 most important things list really is:

What theMary Kay® 6 most important things is:

– A DAILY sheet of six “action” items that you will do the NEXT day. You’re supposed to write them down BEFORE you go to bed so you will have a clear plan of what you will do the next day.

-They should be in priority order (ever notice that you put the hardest task off until the last one?). The Mary Kay® 6 most important things list is designed to put your most important item at the TOP of the list, and knock it out first… then everything else is that much easier.

– The 6 items should be items that you can do in one day (long projects need not apply), and “become a National”!

– They should be the items that really matter. We know you have to take out the trash… but you should probably NOT put that on there (even though you should probably take out the trash too…).

Here is an example list

  1.   Follow up with Katie (guest at muffins and marketing)
  2.   Write and mail a letter thanking Mary, my hostess, for holding the skin care  party
  3.   Deliver the products to Lisa and ask her if she would like to host a party
  4.  Confirm my guest for unit meeting
  5.  Make a list of 10 of my client’s husbands (and call them to offer them a gift basket for Valentine’s day to surprise their wives)
  6.  Make 10 Mary Kay® business phone calls

Notice, that they are specific tasks that can be measured and done, not things like “grow my business” or things that do not produce results like “think about ways to recruit 2 team members”. You want to be able to check these items off. And if an item is not completed for some reason, MOVE IT TO THE NEXT DAY. You can’t get out of it that easy!

So, who did come up with the 6 most important things list then? The answer is: Ivy Lee, the “father of public relations”. He presented this idea to Charles Schwab, the head of Bethlehem Steel way back in the early 1900’s and Mr. Schwab gave Mr. Ivy a whopping $25,000 for the idea (which was worth more like $500,000 at that time). Not a bad days work! TheMary Kay® 6 most important things list is just one of the many features that has been specifically added at QT Office® for you to run your Mary Kay® business that much easier. You can do everything from follow up with customers, track your taxes, manage your inventory levels and a ton of other things you use in your daily Mary Kay® business. QT Office® also provides amazing Unit Websites for Directors and Nationals! Our Unit Websites have a fully stocked training and seasonal selling center to help boost and grow your Mary Kay® business! Stay in touch with QT Office® through Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and even signing up for our mailing list!


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This entry was posted in QT Office® on January 28, 2011