Free Printable Mary Kay® Business Debut Postcards

This week QT Office created two different styles of business debut invitations. Once you have picked the one you like scroll down to the second page and you will see several editable text boxes (click the page if you can’t see them). Type the date, time and address of the place you will be holding your business debut. You will see an additional text box for any message you would like to add. This will give your invite a custom look instead of something you print out and then hand write on. It also will save you the time of handwriting.

With the Office Depot Program for Mary Kay® Independent Beauty Consultants you can print color copies for $0.29 each and you will have four postcard size invites to a sheet which comes out to about 8 cents per invite. You can mail your invites with a post card stamp and if you want to do that you will need to print it on a thicker card stock. Your local print shop can help you with this, and it should only cost a few cents more.

Also with you Mary Kay® discount at Office Depot you can have them cut your postcards so they are ready to go and you receive 40% off the retail price.

Have some extras printed, not to mail but just to hand out. Some great places to pass them out would be:

  • at your job
  • your husband’s job
  • your kid’s school or pre-school
  • if your kid are in activities hand them out to the other moms at practice or a game
  • church

The list is endless. Everyone likes to be invited to a celebration, and you are celebrating the opening of your new business. Be sure to let them know to bring any friends they would like.

Also, creating a Facebook invite is a great idea. Digital is a way to reach people you may not see often or have an address for. You can make a post on your wall but be sure to create an event and send official invites for a better response.

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QT Office has a staff of talented graphic designers that create our Unit Websites and Banners for our websites. They also create our Training Center material. The post cards above will be added to our Training Center for all of our Nationals, Directors, and their teams.

QT Office Unit Websites

This entry was posted in QT Office® on June 11, 2013