Words of Wisdom from Mary Kay Ash


mary kay ash positive thinking


Whatever picture you paint in your mind, the mind goes to work to complete it.  


Someone once said that a man is what he thinks about all day long.  Well, if that applies to a man, it certainly applies to us.  Believe me, if you will think about what it is that you want to do and what you want to become all day long, great things are going to happen in your life. 


 Keep your goals posted on your desk, your refrigerator, your bathroom mirror, and your car visor so that you are reminded all day long of your goal.  I want you to throw out all those negative words like “if I can”, “I hope”, “maybe”, because this is a feminine thing that we are unfortunately born with. 


 You never hear a man saying. “if I can” and “ I hope” They at least have enough sense to bluff their way through, even if sometimes they are just as scared as we are.  I want you to get rid of those insecurities.  You are a woman, you can do anything in this world that you want to do, and I want you to replace those words with “I can”, “I will”,and  “I must.”


(Mary Kay Ash) 

Career Conference speech ’95   



The power of positive thinking is not a new idea; there are thousands of articles and books written about it.  Oprah lives by this way of thinking as well; “The secrete” was a number on best selling book on this topic that made it way around the world. It is about the power of your mind going to work to create what you think about.


There are two key principles to making the power of positive thinking work in your life and each one is important as the other. 


1. Choose the true goal of your heart, the thing you really want. Keep this goal on your mind and in your thoughts.  Mary Kay suggest keeping it in front of you at all times.  


2. Making the choice to keep negative thoughts out. Mary Kay always said 


“If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can’t, you’re right.”  

(Henry Ford)


It is just as important to keep negative ideas out.   Of course from time to time you will have a negative thought enter your mind, when this happens you must make a choice to change this thought.  


 I hope this little reminder helps make your day just a little better  =)

positive thinking 

Jamie Hogan


QT Office


And if you need a little help reaching your MK® goals this year, then may QT Office can help you with them. We can help by automating most of your office tasks (like expense tracking and inventory control) as well as provide tools for customer follow up, gift certificate creation and a whole lot more. 


qt office information positive thinking


Click on the picture below to learn more about QT Office.

Do you have on your Mary Kay® oxygen mask?

mary kay oxygen maskIf you have ever been on an air plane then you have had your pre-flight instructions of what to do in case of an emergency.

The first thing is to stay calm and put on your oxygen mask –  it seems like this would be common sense (the put on your oxygen mask part, not the stay calm part!) . You have to take care of yourself so that you could take care of others.  If you give out of air you will not be able to help anyone.

This same statement has been rephrased as “the life guard theory”- You see, life guards are taught to take care of themselves first, then take care of the person they are rescuing. This is because if they cannot take care of themselves, then there is NO WAY they can help anyone else.

If you think about this in your own business, it makes sense. For example, do you stop holding skin care classes so you can hold someone else’s? NO NO NO. Hold your skin care classes first, then help inspire the other women around you. Now, new people do need help, and if they are your recruit, then helping them hold one or two skin care classes is a great idea, BUT you do not want to do their job for them.

Take a break in your day and ask yourself a simple question that could be life changing.  Are you putting your personal business first?    

The best thing you can do for yourself and your team members is grow a successful personal business THEN teach them how to do the same.  

  • Hold personal classes 
  • Build your personal team 
  • Bring personal guests to your unit meeting 
  • Always be a star 
  • Earn your free car 

Women naturally want to help others, and I also want you to have that great Mary Kay Go Give attitude.  Mary Kay Ash knew the benefit of working your personal business. She has been quoted as saying  “The speed of the leader is the speed of the gang.” 

If you apply this simple strategy to your MK® Business then your team will follow your lead. You become a great leader, mentor and friend by setting the standard and being the example.

If you would like a little help with the systems for  your team (without taking up a lot of your on time), then QT Office may be able to help. We provide assistance with MK® business tracking, follow ups, invoice creation, expense tracking and other things that take away from “people” time. 

See Live QT Office Unit Websites

Free Ipad 2 give away for one lucky Mary Kay® consultant or director!

mary kay ipad 2 free ipad 2


Would you like to Win an Ipad 2 with built in WiFi? (I know, who doesn’t want to win?…. I know I do!). 


Well, here is your chance. QT Office (www.qtoffice.com) is celebrating the fact that we are now mobile (iphone, blackberry and android compatable). We also really like our customers, and since our customers are called “QT’s” we are calling the give away:


“We Love our QT’s”


So, here is how you can win


1. Try QT Office (you get a 30 day free trial anyway). Just go to www.qtoffice.com to get started.


2. “like” QT Office on facebook. When you are logged into facebook, just search for “QTOffice”. You can also find us at this link:

QT Office Facebook Page


3. After you try QT (and love it as much as we know you will), then you can share it with others. For every person you refer to QT, you will earn another chance to win (no limit to how many extra chances you can win this way).


The give away will be done on Febuary 14th (Valentines day) 2012






mary kay speaker host


Jamie Hogan

CEO QT Office

The Gatekeeper: One step closer to being a Mary Kay® Sales Director

mary kay gatekeeper

What do you think when you hear the word GATEKEEPER? The first thing that pops into my mind is someone blocking a door with the intention of keeping me from getting through. It could be a big burley guy with tattos, or a creepy hunched figure with a gold key around their neck…..
……. truthfully, this is seldom the case (unless perhaps you are trying to get into a night-club, but that would be a different blog!).
      One of the great parts of running QT Office is that I get to “pick the brains” of a ton of very successful women, and because they all work for Mary Kay®, they are all Go-give and are more than happy to share their knowledge.


My most resent question for our Directors was

“Who are the most beneficial people to know in order to grow your MK business and WHY”.

At one point, the term “Gate Keeper” came up and it all started to make sense.


(on a side note, I flipped to Joel Osteen’s sermon for the day and it was on Gate Keepers as well…. GOD works in mysterious ways indeed!).
If you have never heard the term “Gate Keeper before”, it doesn’t have to be a scary one =)    Think about the person like a nice receptionist sitting at a desk. She would like to Buzz you in to see the Boss, but she is not going to let just ANYBODY in. Your goal is to get her to WANT to get you in.
Here are a couple great examples that came up for some everyday gate keepers that you may already know, or may want to go out and meet. 
Office administrators – why? – because often, adminstrators have a direct link to the decision makers, they decide who talks to the boss. They often do a lot of planning so if the boss comes to the assistant and says “I would like you do buy the Christmas gifts for everyone this year, here is my budget” then she may be shopping with you (hostess party anyone?)
Hair stylist – why? – because hair stylist know EVERYBODY, and anyone going to get their hair styled cares about their looks, and doesn’t mind paying for it. 
Wedding planner – why? – Two words 1. Bridal 2. Party   A lot of bridal parties need help with the amount of work that needs to be done. What a great way to get in front of a lot of women that are getting glamed up all at the same time. Not to mention you will probably meet the families of these people as well. HUGE HUGE HUGE opportunity here! 
Photographers – why? because a lot of photographers are GREAT at taking pictures, but not so great at doing make-up. But they do want their pictures to look good. What a super easy referral? Call the GUY PHOTOGRAPHERS. Most guy photographers do not know how to apply makeup. 
The head of the PTA why? because they know people that are moving into the area. A lot of these people will be stay at home moms, or women that have moved to the area and are seeking work. – added bonus, VOLUNTEER. It does not have to be a lot of ours, but a couple hours a month can go a long way at meeting some new faces. 
Make-up Artist – why? – because Mary Kay® is a TOP of the line product. Your approach to the Make-up artist would be a little different (you want her on your team). Explain to her MK plan. This works great if someone tells you they have someone already doing make-up at a wedding. “Oh, that’s great. I understand. May I give her a call to see if she needs an extra hand?”. 
Can YOU name a gate Keeper that has not been mentioned? I would love to hear your feedback!
and if you liked this blog, sign up for the next one by entering in your email at the top right of the screen.
qt office
Jamie Hogan
QT Office (.com)
Are you a Mary Kay® Consultant or Director? Are you ready to cut your office time in HALF? See what QT office can do for YOUR MK® Business.
cut your mary kay office time in half

Tammy Crayk + Lisa Allison’s Texting Tips to get Career Talks!

 This is a great idea that was shared by Donna Lindsay who is the president and owner of  MK Virtual Office


mary kay office virtual


National Sales Director Lisa Allison shared the idea (because October is half over)…. to send this text TODAY to everyone you’d love to have in your Mary Kay team.  She did it at a live meeting this past week and said tons of replies came in Immediately!!!!


Do it Now!!! Let’s see how many career talks you can get booked today!!!  


Text Script:

 I am so excited!!! The Mary Kay Starter Kit is in sale right now!  I am building my team with SHARP women and YOU came to mind.  Would you consider hearing more about our business?  I really think you would be great,(your name)


Now go to take advantage of the discounted starter kit and grow your team =)


Thank you for sending in your great idea to QT Office!

tammy crayk