How to make money with Mary Kay® Gift certificates and coupons

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Fun Fact: Cash is the number 1 gift given for special occasions

Do you know what the number two gift given is?  That would be Gift certificates (or gift cards).

That’s great, but how can that help you?  Well, if you use QT Office, then you can create a Mary Kay® gift certificate and sell it just like a product.  Even better, when your customer claims that gift certificate we track what your customer purchased and what they have left.  Pretty cool huh? It’s like having your own gift card machine.

In addition to gift certificates, you can also create coupons for your Mary Kay® business. For example, let’s say that one of your customers just purchased $20 worth of product, you could give her a coupon when you deliver her product that says something like “$10 off your next purchase $50 or more”.

There are a couple neat ideas to use when you create coupons like this.

1. Put an expiration date on it (then plug a follow up date into QT so you get an email reminder). This way, you have a reason to call your customer.

2. Create a coupon off a new product only. It is a great way to get a newer product in your customer’s hands.

3. Why not clear out some of your discontinued product? You could create a coupon for “50% off any discontinued product purchase”. If you want to be really smart about this, then you can pull up the purchase history for any products you need to clear off your shelf and see who has purchased them in the past. I don’t know about you, but I would rather sell old product at cost so I could re-invest it in new inventory.

These are just a couple ideas to you get started!

We put together a quick video that shows you how these two features work. Enjoy!

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A pic to make you think about your Mary Kay® Warm Chatter fears

mary kay warm chatter, mary kay blog, business tips for mk


I logged onto my Facebook account yesterday and saw that someone posted a picture that made me think a few comments:

 1. Awww, that’s cute!

2. What a brave guy!

3. Wow, this little deer has NO FEAR!

Then I thought, if this little deer can walk up to a dog 6 times it’s size and share a little nuzzle then why are we so AFRAID of sharing a wonderful business opportunity?

I mean, what’s the worse that can happen if you share your Mary Kay® Business with someone? …probably that they would say they are not interested. … This (Brave) little deer could face a lot worse! Not to mention, you could change someones life for ever.

So, get out there and start sharing your MK® business with a few strangers…. they may want a little “nuzzle” after all!

p.s. This is not the actually picture that was posted; the picture that was posted was a little deer that got separated from her mother and walked up to the family dog. It was a REAL picture of a sweet little deer taking a chance. =)


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Jamie Hogan

CEO, QT Office

The #1 way to Make your Mary Kay® Business more productive.

Learn more about QT Office by clicking the Image below!

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How to pre-sell Mary Kay’s®new Lash & Brow Serum

presale, pre sell mary kay brow serum, how to sell discontinued mk products

Do you know the first rule of selling anything?


Find your market first. That means people that want the exact item you are selling.  If they do not need it or want that product, then you are probably putting a lot of effort into something that is not going to pay off.


 Look at it this way:

If someone was selling washing machines and you had a great washing machine that worked well, then is doesn’t  matter how great the washing machine they are trying to sell you because you do not need (or want) it.

In the washing machine scenario (if I was the one selling the machines), I would look for clothes-lines in the yard. They are MUCH more likely to need one. It’s the smart place to spend your time.

You can fill in the blanks on 100 different scenarios or products but the results will always be the same. The only way you can sell any product is to anyone is if you are selling to someone interested in that product (it’s a want or a need).

Ok, now we have that covered, how do we pre-sell the new Mary Ka®y Lash and brown serum?

SIMPLE, identify which of your clients have purchased similar items repeatedly in the past and offer the new product to them first.

These are the customers that will WANT the new product and you will be giving a SERVICE by offering them something they WANT. You could call every person in your contact list, but if you start with prior customers that purchased similar items you will have better results. A few examples of items similar to the new Brow Serum are:

–          Mascara

–          Eyeliner

–          eye shadows

–          eye make up remover

–          eye primer

–           brow gel

(notice that they are all products designed to make the eyes look better, or deal with the eyes. Customers who purchased these products would be the first ones I would suggest contacting). If the new products was a lipstick, I would do a different search.

When I learned this lesson it changed the way I felt about how I offered my business.


Because my personal product is  (the all in one software system designed specifically for Mary Kay® consultants, directors and Nationals). My product helps you knock your office tasks out in a fraction of the time and gives you the tools (information like product purchase history to make more sales).

I feel I have the best software out there at the most reasonable price and that when I offer the product it’s a SERVICE because it’s very helpful to the new consultants and Nationals alike (the hundreds of testimonials help me think that too!)

You should feel the exact same way about your Mary Kay business, because YOU have the best product around and a fantastic business opportunity on top of that!

Take this article for example: Someone would like to know how to sell the new brow serum and I KNOW I can help with that so I SHARE what I can do. The same is true for your customers that have purchased eye products in the past. Here is a simple script you can use.

“Hi (insert customer name!), Mary Kay Just came out with a new Brow Serum, it’s great because (insert YOUR favorite thing about the new product), I called you first because I know you love our (insert similar product). Did you want to be one of the first people to try the brow serum? I have (insert a low number) in stock and wanted to offer it to you first. does this exact same thing. I purchased a book on “gardening” and now when I log on I get all kinds of gardening books (and I’ve purchased a couple extra because of it!). .. they must be onto something….

So if your goal is to sell tons of Mary Kay’s new Lash & Brow Serum you need to start by offering it to the people who are interested in playing up there eyes.

Like I said before, I’m very excited to show you how QT Office can help you do this:

Here is a quick video that will show you how to find out who purchased those similar products:



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Jamie Hogan

CEO, QT Office

The all in one inventory and software system for your Mary Kay business.

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NSD Vivian Diaz shares her secrets for booking Mary Kay® parties


It’s true, you can build your business one Mary Kay® Facial at a time, but why would you want to when you could build your business with 5, 10 or even 20 faces at a time?


One of our QT’s showed us one of the great Video that she found on YouTube that Vivian Diaz produced for new consultants on how to book Mary Kay® Skin care parties (the right way).


It’s very strait-forward and simple, and it MUST be effective (because it helped make Vivian a National) =)


Thank you for sharing Vivian and we hope everyone enjoys the video!


And if you would like to learn how you can Track those parties, your new customers and all those sales you are making, then feel free to check out (click the link below to find out more). We streamline your office stuff so you can concentrate on your people time.


vivían diaz free training vieo


Jamie hogan shared nsd vivian diaz's training video

Jamie Hogan


QT Office



How to use google voice for Mary Kay® text booking

Hello everyone, we got a lot of requests this week about Text Booking so we thought we would share a great FREE tool that you can use to help book sell and recruit, did we mention that it’s free?

Also, here are some great scripts you can use or even put your own spin on it. A quick note:  In the Mary Kay world of “Go-Give” we do not always know who to give credit to, so (as always) if anyone knows where these great booking scripts came from please let someone at QT Office know so we may give them credit.

We are thankful to Senior National Sales Director SuzAnne Brothers.  We found the great scripts below on the training site


Hey Christine, you don’t know me but I know Michelle and my name is Miranda. I am in need of a favor and she said you were really nice and might help me out. I am in a contest with Mary Kay to do 100 free mineral makeovers before (date) and want to give you $25 in free product if you will do one with me. Could I borrow your face for this?


Hi __:-) This is Keri with Mary Kay! I met you at the Great Bridal Expo this weekend. I hope you remember spinning the wheel & winning ___ ! This includes a $25 gift certificate to use at your FREE bridal makeover session! I can’t wait to spoil you rotten! Don’t worry I’m not pushy it’s super fast and totally fun! PS congrats on your wedding!

Brand New Consultant Booking her first Practice Parties

Hi this is ____ I am so excited! I just became a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant!!! I am in need of a favor! Can I borrow your face to practice on? 🙂 I can give you a gift card just for helping me. It will be fun and super-fast and I promise I won’t be pushy!

Already did New York Facial

Hi Amanda! 🙂 This is Miranda with Mary Kay!  I’m in need of a favor and remember you are really nice and might help me out!  As you know, I am in a contest to get 100 women entered into the makeover contest trip for two to New York (hope you win!!!)!  I’d love to give you a gift card for $25 in free product for helping me out.  Could I borrow your face and a couple of friends’ for this?  I’m not pushy, it’s super fast, and fun!!!

Old customer, never facialed for New York

Hi Renee 🙂 This is Miranda with Mary Kay! I am in need of a favor and I am remembering that you were really nice and might help me out. I am in a contest to enter 100 makeovers into a trip for 2 to New York! You could win! I would love to give you $25 in free product for helping me out! Could I borrow your face for this? I am not pushy and it’s super fast and totally fun!!

Old customer, old old customer

Hi ____ !  This is Miranda with Mary Kay! I hope you remember me!  I am in need of a favor and I am remembering that you were really nice and might help me out. I am in a contest to enter 100 makeovers into a trip for 2 to New York! You could win! I would love to give you $25 in free product for helping me out! Could I borrow your face for this? I am not pushy and it’s super fast and totally fun!!

Really old leads from booths

Hi Emily this is Chrissie. I met you a million years ago at the West Fest. 🙂 I’m in a contest with Mary Kay to do 20 N.Y. makeovers. Girl you could win! Love to give you $20 in free product, just for helping me. Could I borrow your face for this? I am not pushy and it’s super fast and totally fun!!

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