Acheive your Mary Kay® Goals AND win a Cadillac handbag

mary kay cadillac handbag


Here is your chance to win your very own Cadillac handbag!


QT Office is giving away the handbag pictured above just for giving us a try. When you register, your name is entered in as a “Ticket”. We do not want to leave our existing QT’s out, so we have also decided to give a “ticket” to any QT that refers a New QT to the free trial.  


We will hold the drawing in just a couple of weeks, and announce it in a new blog and on our website.  


And Remember, if you have your own Mary Kay business, you need a Mary Kay business system.  QT Office is designed just for Mary Kay Consultants and Directors!  We pride our self in having everything you need to run your business quickly and efficient.


  • Get off to the right start by putting the systems in place that will make you more successful in the long run


  • All the tools are very simple to use (if you can use email, you can use QT)


  • Manage your customers, including follow-ups, invoice creation and purchase history


  • Know what’s on your shelf at any time AND know who wants that product by looking at their history


  • Save time with invoices that auto fill in customer’s names and information, then select the products they are purchasing from a drop down list.


  • See your appointments and upcoming events on your calendar, including your 6 most important things for that day AND have them emailed to you (or turn it off if you do not want the reminder)


  • Get more out of your day EVERYDAY


  • Import your customers and inventory orders directly from Intouch


  • Access your business from anywhere you have an internet connection. Want to work from the beach? You can do that!


  • When you become a Mary Kay® Sales Director, your assistant can run your business from the same account so transition is super easy.


  • And much, much more



But don’t take my word for it


National Sales Director Gillian Ortega Said


 National Sales Director Gillian Ortega


“I could have only dreamed about having something like this to organize and manage my business.” 


 So Why wait?


As always we have a 30 day Free trial and then it’s only $9.95 a month, An you may win the great Cadillac handbag. Click on the picture of the Cadillac Purse below to be taken to the free trial, and get ready to put your busines into high gear!


mary kay free gift qt

3 Tips to create Tax Write-Offs with your Mary Kay Products

Mary Kay Tax Write-Off

(Disclaimer: The following article is general suggestions for ways to write off your products for your Mary Kay Business. Tax laws vary by state, and I am not an accountant, so please check with a CPA for any specific tax questions).

Now that the legal stuff it out of the way, let’s start writing off some products!

1. Personal Use Products

One of the great benefits of running your personal Mary Kay Business is that you get a huge discount on any products you purchase for your personal use. So, how do you make sure your not paying extra taxes on items you are not selling? Simple, create an invoice (for yourself) with a 50% discount. There is an important point to watch out for though, and that is UNRECOVERED SALES TAX. This is the tax you pre-paid when you purchased your product from Mary Kay, but did not collect from you customers. You can find this number by taking the amount you discounted and multiplying it by your sales tax in your area. This formula will be used for any tax write-off invoice you make, or any discount you make for your customers. This is easy to do when you have a running total of your personal use (or demo) products, because you can just do one math calculation at the end of the year instead of doing the math every time.

2. Expired Products

Do you have products that are about to expire but don’t want to just throw them away? Donate them to charity before they expire. Put stickers on all your products with your contact info and an offer. “Want to love what you do? Give me a call!” You can write off your purchase amount for the amount you paid for the product in the first place, and it’s MUCH better to get advertisements out of your products that are about to expire than just throwing them away.

3. Demo Products

Demo products are the most common items that are missed when figuring out tax write-offs for your Mary Kay Business. This is most likely due to the fact that the product is still “on” your shelf… but the truth is, that item cannot be sold, so why not get your tax write-off for it? It is a cost of doing business after all!

In this short video below, you can see how easy it is to create a tax write-off invoices for your Mary Kay Business using QT Office. The best part is that when you create that invoice the product is deducted from your shelf, the math for the invoice is calculated automatically and your totals are recorded so tax time is a snap.


Would you like to try QT Office Free for 30 days to see for yourself?

Try QT Office for Free

And be sure to subscribe to QT’s Blog to receive future “how to” videos to help you grow your personal Mary Kay Business

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Don’t download Mary Kay© Inventory software to your computer!


mary kay coffee

So, you want to put some systems in place to run your Mary Kay Business a little smoother? I support that! You should have a system in place to track your inventory, expenses and manage your customers. Having these systems for your business can and will make life that much easier.


With that said, why would I tell you not to download Mary Kay Inventory software to help you with these things then?


It can be summed up in one easy word:   COFFEE


Well, that sounds a little strange does it? I love coffee, it helps me get a start to my day. What does this have to do with software!!?


 Let me try to help you will a little visual exercise:


 Imagine taking your morning coffee and pouring it upside down over your computer….


Is it making sense now? This is just one of the horror stories we have received here at QT. We have heard everything from Coffee spills, stolen computers, computer viruses to kids and their “creative” painting projects…


 it all ends up the same way though:


“I LOST EVERYTHING!”.  It’s true, you can back up your information, but it always seems to be one of those things that you wish you did 10 minutes ago (before the accident in question happened).


I almost named this blog entry “How to lose your Mary Kay Business in one easy step” because that is what you are risking by having a downloaded software program managing your business.

You are putting all of your “eggs” in one basket (and your eggs are things like your customers, your old invoices, your expenses and your product history; all your valuable data that you will not be able to be replaced, or at least not very easily).


That’s one of the reasons we ( decided to make QT a web based platform. Not only do we back up your information automatically twice a day to protect you, but we also have the added benefit of having the ability for you and an assistant to use the system at the same time or the ability to access QT from anywhere you can get online.


If your still using a desktop program, then I suggest you get a cup with a lid on it, or you can just switch over to a smarter Mary Kay Software system.


If you have a horror story about losing YOUR business data, we would love to hear about it. Just leave a comment below!



and if your not a QT yet, then start your free 30 day Trial by clicking the picture below:


mary kay qt office free trial

The big lie about motivation that will ruin your Mary Kay goals

mary kay motivation


Do you ever have days that you just don’t feel very motivated to work your Mary Kay Business even though you know you have the best product in the world and the career opportunity of a life time?  I know I have those days, and I hear “I just don’t feel motivated to work my Mary Kay business today” or “I just can’t get motivated to make my calls” from countless others.


Well the good news is you are not alone; the bad news is that if you are waiting on motivation to get started, it’s going to take awhile! 


You see, the common miss belief is that Motivation comes first…. that if you wait it out, it will magically appear.  There are a few times in your Mary Kay Career that this can be true. A few examples that will make you extremely motivated are right after an event like leadership or seminar.  You may have a great skin care class or a new team member and you will have a short feeling of motivation and you will use that motivation to grow your business and to get you even closer to your goals. 


My Good friend Sean Smith would call this being “emotionally drunk”. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to harness this motivation without having to drink the party punch?


So, HOW DO YOU BECOME MOTIVATED WITHOUT HELP? Luckily for you I am going to share the secret to getting your motivation back (and someone shared this with me, so please pass this to others).


and the answer is….. (drumroll please) 




…. That’s right, take action. Even though you do not feel like it, do it anyway.  Discipline your self to take action even though you are not motivated. Think about it like getting back into a exercise routine. The first workout is always the hardest but it gives you the energy you need to push forward.


This is the formula of how harnessing motivation works:


Discipline   » Action   » Results   »   Motivation


You see motivation is a feeling not an action. You have to disipline yourself to do the action first, then feel the motivation and satisfaction from the results. Motivation will come back around bigger and better than ever after your results show.


 The lie we tell ourselves it that motivation comes first.  Too many people wait for motivation before they decide to get started, but what you really need it discipline.  You need to know what your Mary Kay Goals are, then you need to find the discipline to take action to reach your goals. Disaplining yourself to Action will always produce results, and your results will be very motivating. 


Here is a great  quote that sums it up.

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.

Jim Rohn


If your ready to take action and reach your Mary Kay Goals, then we invite you to try qt office to help you get there.



QT Office is a all in one Mary Kay software system that helps you run your Mary Kay business in less time so you can concentrate on your IPA’s. Click on the QT Office icon below to see for yourself.  =)



mary kay software


How your Discontinued Mary Kay® inventory can make you money

mary kay discontinued money

Knowing what discontinued Mary Kay® products you have can help you do two things for your Mary Kay Business:


  1.  Make you money
  2.  Make your Mary Kay customers happy

Mary Kay® is always providing new and trendy products.  It can be easy to get so excited about them that you forget about the classic items that will no longer be produced.  These great products can end up in your discontinued basket on your shelf,  and they do not do you or your Mary Kay business any good (or your purse for that matter!) just sitting there.

This is why knowing your product history is so important.  You will want to sell this product quickly and prevent it from expiring, or “living” in your closet for the rest of your life.  You are in business to make money, not to keep your products on your shelf.  If you are using QT Office (, then we will move the products that are being discontinued to your “discontinued” section. Now that they are discontinued, Let’s take a look at how we can get these items to the people that want them, and free up some funds to stock up on those new items that just came out!

There are two great ways to use this feature to boost your business, and the best part is: If you have used QT to create your Mary Kay® Invoices then half of the work has already been done.

Every time you created an invoice, the products that you sold were automatically filed under that CUSTOMERS personal history and the PRODUCTS history as well. There are two ways you can take advantage of QT’s systems automation to make the sale now:

1. When a product is going to be discontinued, or already has been discontinued.  You would simply log in to your QT Office account and select the “product history” of that particular item. You will be able to see who had purchased that product in the past.  Now, you can make a call to them and ask them if they would like to stock up on a product that they love before it is gone.  This is a great reason to call your customer, and GREAT customer service. Many of your customers will want to stock up and others will not, and that’s ok! You’re not being pushy, you’re just giving amazing customer service.  A great sample script would sound something like this:

“Hi (insert customers name here)! I just wanted to let you know that Mary Kay® will not be making (insert product name here). I know that you use that product all the time. I have (insert number) left, and wanted to offer them to you before I called anyone else. Did you want to stock up on these before you can no longer get them? I wanted to make sure you had the opportunity before it was too late”.

2. You can use the same method if you ever have “too many” of a product on your shelf (This is useful if you overstocked on an item, even if it’s not discontinued).  Take a look at the “product history” and see who purchased it in the past and give them a call. This is a great way to keep your inventory moving at all times, don’t let that product just sit on your shelf.  Take control of your business and provide great customer service.  Your customers don’t see this as you “moving product”; your customer will see this as the “remembering what they like”.  Making a Mary Kay® customer happy, is service that would make Mary Kay Ash herself proud and keep your customers coming back to you time and time again.  Let’s look at a possible script for selling some extra of the overstocked items.

“Hi (insert customers name here)! I’m calling today because you have purchased the (insert product) in the past, and that is my big sale item this month. Did you want to pick up one or two while they are at a discounted price?”


“Hi (insert customers name here), I’m running s special this month for my VIP customers. I am throwing in a free (overstocked product name here) with any purchase over (dollar amount). I know you use the (insert product name here) all the time. Did you want to take advantage of the free gift?

Here is a video that shows you how easy it is to bring up your product history =)

If you are a Mary Kay Consultant or Director, and you think QT could help your business, then we invite you to try QT Free for a full 30 days. No contracts or cancelation fees.

 mary kay free trial